Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Was Hoping For Something a Little More Expensive

Whenever I hear someone in The Program talk about how their life has improved since they got sober I'm often surprised at my reaction to what they say.  I guess somewhere deep in my white matter I'm programed to want stuff, to base my happiness on standards that are dictated by our physical, material world.  My instincts always shout out: "More Money! More Power!! More Sex!!!"  These desires don't elevate me much beyond the common yard aardvark. 
I hear people talk about a calm acceptance of life.  I listen to people who are comfortable in their own skin, grateful for what they have.  Life makes sense to these folks.  They care about other people and they have a connection with something or someone greater than themselves  They aren't consumed with fear.  They're so calm and peaceful they seem to be sedated.  They move through the day one step at a time, always moving forward but never rushing.

I wouldn't have asked for those things when I was drinking.

1 comment:

winner said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^