Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Remember, Seaweed

Ambition:  Desire to distinguish one's self from from other people; eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction.

Anonymity: The spiritual foundation of all of our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.  That is quite a statement.  I am constantly reminded as I study our Steps and Traditions how important it is for me to keep breaking down my ego.  That embodies a lot of what The Program means to me: Ego Destruction.  I'm reminded that personal ambitions has no place in recovery.  I personally need to keep trying to right-size my ego.  I'm not a piece of garbage but I'm not All That, either.

I think that I'm always trying to promote myself - sometimes overtly, obviously, and sometimes in ways so subtle that I manage to bullshit even myself.

Well, stop doing that, says this Tradition.

I also think that this Tradition reminds me to avoid gossip.  My sponsor never lets me run down another individual.  If someone has really gotten my goat and I need to unburden my feelings so they don't migrate into a resentment, he'll listen politely but end the conversation by saying: "Remember, Seaweed: principles before personalities."  I try not to say anything about anyone that I wouldn't say right to that individual's face.

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