Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Shriek:  A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by extreme terror, pain, or the like.  

I took a walk yesterday around the marina which is ringed with yacht clubs.  The piers out to the boats themselves are protected by locked gates - really fearsome structures, with spikes extending out over the water so that you couldn't clamber over them to get to the boats even if you wanted to, which I do not.  All you would need to do is wade into some pretty shallow water and hoist yourself up on the pier at which you would have free access to wreck all kinds of havoc on the yachts, some of which look barely seaworthy.

At the entrance to one of the piers was a sign: "Marina Access Is For Members and Guests Only!!"  I wondered at the double exclamation point.  A period indicates the spoken word; an exclamation point suggests shouting; but two of them?  What would that be?  Yelling?  Screaming?  Shrieking?  Am I to imagine someone in a Pinkerton uniform standing guard, shrieking at me?

The spiked, locked gate would seem to speak for itself.

I'm going to rethink my inclination to join that club.  That, and the no-boat part.

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