Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ground Control to Major Tom

Control: To exercise authority over; direct; command.

I had a dream last night that I remembered.  Normally, I don't remember my dreams which is probably a good thing for a tortured soul like me.  My brain goes to bad places when I'm awake -- I can only imagine what happens when it has free reign to do whatever it wants.   

Anyway, I was entering a large church which had some pews in it and also some alcoves set up with dinner tables decorated as if for a wedding reception.  It was a nice space -- not too crowded, pleasantly lit, well-preserved wood floors, people milling about pleasantly.  I was dressed in some kind of court jester uniform, or maybe an outfit that Henry the Eighth would have worn.  I had those long slippers on with the curled up toes.  I don't remember any bells on the ends of the slippers but they were still hard to walk in.

I was looking for someone who could tell me where I needed to go to prepare for the play I was in.  I was vaguely uneasy.  It was the first time I had seen the church and I wasn't aware of having practiced my part yet with my fellow actors.  I think I had a main part in the production.  There were a lot of people in the church.

Often in my dreams I'm wandering about school buildings, late for a class or an exam that I haven't studied for.  I don't know where my books are.  Normally I would mention that I'm usually naked as I wander about but I think I'll hold off on that disclosure since the imagery here is already disturbing enough.  Sometimes I'm driving a car very fast along dark roads.  I can't see anything and I'm having a lot of trouble putting on the brakes or turning the steering wheel.

Think I have issues with control?

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