Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Of Shape-Shifting and Aliens

Comfortable in My Own Skin:  Relaxed and confident in one's manner of presenting oneself and interacting with others; conveying the impression that one has a clear, satisfying of one's abilities and situation.

That should be one of The Steps.  When I came into recovery I didn't have a great sense of who I was.  I had a great ability to divine who I thought you wanted me to be and the gumption to try to become this person.  It's not that I wasn't comfortable in my own skin - it's that I didn't even have a skin.  I was wearing someone else's skin.  If I wasn't trying on someone else's skin for a good fit I was wandering around skinless.

I was an alien.  I was a shape-shifting, obscure, indistinct form moving through the world.  I had a being, a soul, but it was not where it was supposed to be and I could say that only on the odd occasion when I had any idea at all where it was.  Sometimes I was a mass of exposed organism, shivering in the wind.

It wasn't very comfortable.

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