Saturday, November 8, 2008

So You Wanna Be a Rock and Roll Star?

Dream: A fanciful vision or fancy of the conscious mind; daydream; reverie.

I am a dreamer. I live in a dream world. Fanciful images flit through my mind, coming and going like a thief in the night. I wish I could say I have no control over this process, which would make me conventionally insane, but I actually encourage these thoughts, which means I'm trying to make myself insaner. Reality is a drag and a bummer. I have no use for reality

People see me sitting quietly, my brow furrowed in concentration, staring into the distance, and assume that I am deciphering arcane problems or pondering the great mysteries of abstract philosophical theories. Actually, I'm imagining myself prancing back onto the stage at Wembley Stadium for my ninth or tenth encore -- a wold record -- as lead guitarist, singer, and songwriter of the Incredible Horseface Steve Rock and Roll Revue.

I bask in the glory that is Horseface Steve.

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